@Swift cant remember if i have you on discord or not anymore lol. it’s borborygmus. but if ya pm me i can always add ya
@Swift @Sando3 oh my lord i missed yall. we gotta catch up sometime or somethin
knock knock two years later lmao
message me sometimeeee
its been literally so long
im still alive. surprise
helo, i'm kinda back maybe
that u
ill try to do most if not all of my requests tomorrow. stress and things have been an issue
hihii youuu ;0
ur the yall
message mee thennn
who's handing out my secretss
if any of yall ever want my skyper or kik hmu sometimee
First 5 people to comment get a request!! (^; I'll message the people who get it in a bit
thats uss ahah
rocking and a rolling B)
B^) eyyy
your a cutiee omgg
2 4 6 8 if i knew more than that i would have put it