whose v3n0m?
My Ign: X_TheReaper_X Hackers ign: LickHer What they did: Hacking/killaura/reach Evidence: [MEDIA]
IGN: X_TheReaper_X Their Username: CarnagePvP What they did: hacking/killaura (he was able to hit me from the sides without looking at me)...
@DinoDuck tf are u talking about this is the best app to be created. Its God Like
np didnt know i was suppose to care enough to put it in 1080p was i suppose to start a youtube career from that video? lol
best application
Hes legit i swear xD
Your ingame name: X_TheReaper_X The offender's exact ingame name: zKlz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Good job on your OpPvP ban lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLD31tWLHP0&feature=youtu.be
Your ingame name: X_TheReaper_X The offender's exact ingame name: YeOldSquiller A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Pvping...
@TypicalTryhard u could always give some to your friendly neighborhood parasite :D
watch boku no pico
when life gives u lemons make ing memes, use em.
Im A Filthy Parasite
#FreeShonal @Pile
@TECH2 if your trying to show u don't have a hacked client most clients have a feature where u can turn it off completely. so there is no proof