Hi Brodie, It was nice playing with you! Have a great day :) ps: Can I have some s35, s40 and maybe some money on Oppvp?
Waddup my dudes My name is Arxvy aka Not_Lander aka Ln_Playzz aka YouPlayz_NL. I used to play a lot of Mv GTA and Prison back in the old days....
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Arxvy The offender's exact ingame name: Versyyy A...
You are completely right Dustyfall!
Congrats to everyone! :)
Ye sure! https://ibb.co/vLGTr32
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: zNatu The offender's exact ingame name: FakeBadi A...
We will miss you bro …
Hi Janice, My ingame name is Not_Lander and I am a titan rank. I just packed MVP rank from an epic crate on Op pvp. I have a titan rank and I...
Tysm man❤️
Hi man! Really wanne join! IGN: Cookiee_Monster
Heey My ingame name is YouPlayz_NL and I am looking for someone who still has feather. My offer for feather is: 2gp's, 3arrows and an enderpearl....
My ingame name: YouPlayz_NL Scammer name: NoHaxJustGoodFps Description: I gave him 10 torches. then he needed to give me an rank up and then i...
why does gta don't work??
i hope that i can play today! i really love this server <3
why can't I connect to the server right now?