It is a donation, meaning even if they remove every perk you got for donating, you can't get the money back.
everam bman0128 death threats
I'd say remove it from kitpvp, it has a huge advantage there, but nowhere else.
Honestly NoCheatPlus is better than what is currently being used.
everam ReaperPvPz hacking (reach) [MEDIA]
Demote pile, she is abusing af. Also CIASnipez is still bribing the staff.
You are extremely inactive, I've been playing for 8 months on op pvp, kit pvp and infection and I've never seen you ingame, also haven't seen you...
The point I've isolated is at 1:33 I've posted the entire thing because it kinda all looks a little sketchy, the range, the aim, the fact he...
"1 year ago" 6 months ago, and you had the same skill then as you do now.
Yeah you totally just hit 16 cps... Cheater.
I've made a report, he has been banned for hacking in the past "you imbecile", yet people still think he is legit. Don't hate just because someone...
Try again, in english this time.
I made this thread because many people still believe he is legit, I'm just showing that he isn't.
I've stated why I made this thread, stop trying to discredit me, look at my ratings, does it look like I'm trying to make friends? I put no effort...
Haven't you noticed pretty much every decent pvper thinks you hack? It's not just me and blaze.
ofc you see a flick.. that's what the entire video is based on.
Look at you trying to salvage this, anyone with half a brain knows you hack. I've seen the limits of mineverse pvp and you go way past that. btw...
All these idiots don't know what hacks are... I had to slow down the clip because the flick was barely visible, any natural flick would be...
I made it because people like you still believe he is legit, he is obviously hacking in this video but you refuse to see it purely because I made...
Did you even watch the video? He straight up snaps to the other guy twice while continuing to hit me. The second time, he isn't even looking at me.