I meant I can't like comments
If you remember me from all the chat rooms we've been in. Then hi. I am also an OG minetime player ;)
I like this comment. (I don't have ratings yet :()
Says the person that gets demoted 3 days after he gets mod
Thx :)
Kaspersky like the person above me said
In the giveaway sub forum you should add tags before the title saying if it is completed or not. It is very troublesome to stumble across a...
xD. Follow me fish
Yay you are here <3
I'm only following minetimer
I'm not so mad about collin leaving minetime though. He wasn't very active and didn't add anything
"Mom five more minutes"
Thanks for the welcome!
I'm an OG minetime player: https://www.minetime.com/members/slimeblade.1161/ But a nooby mineverse player