my ign: Mertique his ign: KingKaster what he did: death trapping evidence:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
lol all of your skins :P
I did want England to win obviously, but I am being honest :P. They got lucky
@NoMoreSanity :/ I can't play survival
they should have won :P @BreakfastBoy
Nope not yet
Thanks for trying to help, but I already tried both and neither of them worked :(. Hopefully I can get on soon
I warped to an area in survival and got disconnected. Now as soon as I login to survival I get kicked from the server. Why is this?
No survival for us :D
:'D :'D
thanks thanks :D :D
Danke Teddy :D
he did that to "My boo" :'D :sweatsmile::sweatsmile::sweatsmile::sweatsmile:
Thanks everyone :-]
Thanks! I already know who you are :)
Thanks BB :D