still cant get on survival...:{
can some 1 help with survival plz. I was killed and kicked from the server now I cant get back in. all I see when I log in is message[ you have...
well thanks for your help anyway....:]
I would if they would reply to me been tying to fix for 5 hours
I got kit /spawn but it says I have to wait to receve this item?
block glitch on survival
cant play until mods fix this glitch:(
sorry I mean head mod I asked
I did but didn't get the kit.
survival I got killed now when I spawn in I get kicked . I think its a block glitch.
I need some 1 who can help with a glitch..
it wont work as is a block glitch mod needs to fix it..
yes. I have mailed them they said buy /spawn & clear inventory but I still cant get in
can any 1 help fix this plz .all I get is message saying I was forcefully kicked from server when I spawn in!
I have same thing I get kicked when I spawn in