Like when it took 3 months for them to fix voting?
Exactly. It's as simple as copying and pasting, but it'll probably take them 3 months, just like fixing voting.
So because the Minetime community is doing their stuff elsewhere, Cypriot refuses to put in place a solution that would stop us from doing stuff...
Honestly, I don't care much however this situation turns out. Noobcrew could throw it away and I'd be fine; I have steam to entertain me. The only...
We've been getting told "soon" since the start of this whole endeavor.
I'm sure most of you have forgotten about us, but everyone that's left on Minetime is tired of the treatment we're getting. Hear me out. We know...
I'd be fine with a Trump style wall at the moment, things seem to be going badly back in Minetime's forums.
I'd appreciate if some of you more rational Mineverse members come onto our forums and tell your friends to chill.
[ATTACH] My point is made. Minetime forums is a giant flamewar at the moment.
I was told about sexual roleplayers. If that's true, it's a step up from Minetime.
I'm Zephlimorak, and there's not much any of you need to know about me. I'm a jerk, I collect memes, and I'm probably one of the last Minetimers...
From the crap going down on the Minetime forums, it's gonna play out badly. War is breaking out and according to a poll that was taken, I can...
Yo, thanks for the welcome, I may visit Mineverse every now and then, but for now, I leave you with one favor to ask (I left a thread on this same...