Meh, I don't know about you. I suspect you're alright. Maybe 11/10?
Aye~ :P
Congratulations :)
You mean you weren't honest before on your 'tbh' threads? "How rude" :p jokes
You're the best. c:
That's so nice! I love it, thank you very much! :D
Can you draw either a dog like this or a kangaroo with a sweater? Which ever is easier for you. I love your drawings, by the way. Keep up the...
To you as well!
We're equally amazing? :D
you're greater :)
hey skrub <3
You're so inspirational. :P
Neutral Reason --I think you came off as a tiny bit rude in a thread about Minetime and that was my first impression of you. You need to work on...
I bet they look very, very a-cute.. *sigh* I'm not sorry xD
This is what I'm talking about. I'm sure Mineverse is a really nice server, but there is a lack of exceptional communication.
You know I'd like to just say, yes we were grateful that Noobcrew bought over Minetime to keep it alive, but that's just it. "to keep it alive"....
:) Thanks!