You seem kool
Congratulations to @TADS @RandomNinja14 @Musezeta and @Surge on being promoted to moderator!
Thank you for fixing this!
Co-owner goals :3
oi fam. <3
Thank you! I've poked you back :3
Alright ^-^
Hi Sarah :)
Welcome @Hop! Nice to see another minetimer on here :)
Thank you! :)
Thank you!
This community is just so nice! I might get used to play minecraft without hacked clients (they are permitted on minetime) and enjoy Mineverse!...
It's a wild kat
Hi fam
Thank you all!
Omg thanks :D
Hello guys! I am a player of minetime and I've heard @Noobcrew will get the ownership of our server. I decided to create a Mineverse forum account...