yeah thats pretty much all i wanted to know, thanku
hey so correct me if im wrong but minetime is apart of mineverse, so do the donor ranks apply to both servers?
I Know this isn't where i should make this post but there is no where else to do it. basically, i have 2fa on my minetime forum account, it...
i think thats a bit overdramatic, like no one is actually gonna use it in a sentence as an insult? support
yall saying lag and stuff, it doesnt. i use a cheap laptop to view minetime forums (with the alert thingy) and it doesnt cause any lag
are you not allowed to put gifs in your signature?
id rate your post winner but i dont have enough posts
i was a bit negative to mineversians when they first came flooding in but im chill now. Most people are fine with them as long as they dont start...
well im sorry :(
Thank you :)
why do you dislike mine yet you rate someone else with the exact same post funny?
hi excuse me, just a minetime player.. How come your server is up and running even though it is pretty much equal to minetime in terms of pay to win?
What if a non banned person puts a banned thing as their profile pic