You can also do /friends:gmsg
Would be boring
same :D
grats on #100 reply
Its very long to read ...
How do you place gifs? :D
So m@fia is a badass group of ppl who attack ppl on here?
Its funny :lol::lol: but wrong still funny
Can some1 tell me what happend omg ;D
Lol the 4 dislikes make it funny :PP:PP:PP:PP:PP
The server need a makeover, its getting boring
Make me to a coffee before banning dann :D
Ty! Well actually i don't know, but sometimes a game mode glitches / laggs and after a restart is it gone :DD
naaa :p you can have it for free, i will pop sometimes in gta, whats your in game name?
I have a god rank, you can have my kit god on gat :)
@Steelfirecracker Take my kit!