I'm Just going to make a new Guard application... can a Moderator please move this to the discard folder Or something?
You haven't? I have been on ALOT Recently
I really don't know ColtonGibbsWall How long I have played this like 3 months after it came out
And I just edited it to a more realistic 2
ColtonGibbsWall That's why I said I really didn't know, I cant really remember
Glassan I have NEVER seen a guard curse, If you want to be a guard you better not keep this up or you will have wasted all of our for supporting,...
But I Guess I Support to... to make that number even more
I don't know nothing its just a lot... I don't know how
O.o That's a lot of support...
Firo3000 I already posted a better one, can you please delete this one?
Dear Moderators, I really Hope that you guys consider this application. How old are you? 18 Your in-game name: EpsilonxE What time zone are...
:D be Sure to look for my Application in the Prison Guard Forum.
Thanks You should become a Mod...
I can just delete and re-do it
O sorry I didn't see the section...
This Is a Prison Guard App, it says so on the top...
be great
Lars has never been moderator on mineplex...
Lars you really are bad at this. but needs details like mine :D