My IGN: ImNeverSober His/her IGN: xXSoccerTomxX Reason for report: Advertising Evidence;[ATTACH]
pls ;-;
pls cur me cancur
Support Even though i would just say hara55.
No support Put more effort and you just joined forums.
My IGN: Undecisive His/her IGN: Grapeon (This name has a bad word in it. So it might be hard to ban this person.) Reason for report: Death threats...
My IGN: Undecisive His/her IGN: Tyxas Reason for report: Death threats because I killed him Proof:[ATTACH]
Did you expose meh yet?
Well, changing to a Neutral now because of how fast you reacted to my post.
You said "banns" instead of bans under "Have you ever been banned in the past?"
No support Never seen you in game They're a few typos in your application.
No Support... obviously. Make your application look like you actually put effort in it.
My IGN: Undecisive His/her IGN: sockrdude Reason: Advertising a different server Proof:[ATTACH]
My IGN: LoveIl His/her ign:XxChevyMoneyXx Reason: Death Threats Proof:[ATTACH]
Still can't start a convo. Have skype?
Ugh. It won't let me start a convo with you.
Hey, dude. I got a temporary alt. I'll start a convo and send it to you.
Uhhh... a friend?
GL on mod!