Or you know, just completely steal a build from another server (stealing it from minetime).
LOVE IT when @Noobcrew asks to use the spawn MINETIME built, we say no, and he still uses it? lmao okay then
you're trash
'loosed' lmoa okay
That is not true. They have the option to give you a notification or not. Sometimes they may not give you a notification.
If you're losing messages, it means they're being deleted by a moderator or admin.
On Minetime, us moderators have access to /v. If you're a moderator on a server, you should be trusted enough to use such commands otherwise there...
How old are you?
The MT forums is not offline.
Mine also cleared.
Nyan cat. Check out my actual skin here: http://minecraft-skin-viewer.com/player/kyleep?r=1
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