Hello! I'm not sure how many people will even recognize me, and I'm not quite sure if I will even recognize everyone fully myself. My ingame...
Hello old friends! Can't believe how many years have flown by and I can't believe I'm finally saying goodbye to you all, official post soon.
IGN: thegoldminer8 So, on OPPrison if you place down diamonds, emeralds, and possibly many other block types, on your plot and then log off then...
So everytime I try and go into OPPrison, it just sends me back to the lobby without even a kick message, but it'll say "Teleporting to opprison...
I haven't played minecraft in a year so i'm rusty,
ya miss me?
I'm now back, it's been a year since, but i'm back baby! I can't believe a year has already passed since I last played minecraft
I've been playing team fortress 2 every body
Ok, holy it's been a long time.
I remember Lola Perez... the best mod ever, she has a youtube channel (Lola Perez) and as you can see, she was so good at finding hackers and...
k gotchya -thegoldminer8
CypriotMerks, I have won 2 times on top voter, both are from 2015, so, I would like to upgrade IGN: BunnyFluff_ to MVP and IGN: XxN1TR0xFUS1ONSxX...