I'm only gonna break break your, break break your heart
lol u reported me for something I did a week ago :')
im pretty sure CreepyMinnyz is not part of our clan
nice pfp
Offender: Regathering Reason: releasing personal information, on the top he says "thorraks you're french?" and then he says "you're from quebec"...
4 yes and 1 no, we still need 2 persons to vote
Ill ask the team if they want to
Offender: Skpye Reason: kill aura Evidence: [MEDIA] (look at 0:21 how he turns to his head right on me while hes fighting someone else)
Accepted, we'll wait for herf to add you to the list since he banned
@Theatress get good
can I be owner
aight pm on skype if I forget
That awkward moment when ur phone is 10 years old