Grats ;)
My Username: Enthusiastic Offender's Username: zehaad Rule Broken: Scamming Proof:
Sounds chillingly cool
Rip alerts :(
Tads, you haven't poked back in a while :P
When people think they can win the poke battle.
Paradise for me is a place where I am with the people who I love the most, where we are all happy, living a easy and enjoyable life.
Support, for all. I'd like to see how everyone would rate each other, should be cool.
We shall see.
Thank you :) - Created by; @leafu -
Support, hope it doesn't get abused.
Can't get completed then, rest in peace.
I was on parkour yesterday, level 11 is broken :/
Enable-o the-o cover-o picture-o's
Occasionally when I have some free time, not as much as I used to though.
I've recently downloaded it, yes :)
I know :3
Always welcomes here!