Thank you so much for you Help! your Great!
and now EmporerRage isgoing at it to
Mr.fishlips and Gizzytekker
Could use some help in Survival... There is a group of ppl just going at it over the chat! and i'm not sure how to report.
I'm work on a shop! /warp enchanted book shop (all one word, obviously). But could someone point me to a list of removed things from survival. I...
I'm very much on both sides. I'm working on my second house which is my first Mansion But at the same time G l a s s keeps becoming invisible. My...
Could some one list the things that I can and can not do. About a Week ago i build and hopper collection system to find out that hopper don't...
same here ... maybe we can team up and build a shop
My Ign: Madmae-Blue Glitchers IGN: EducationsApple They are in Survival Gitching through blocks that don`t belong to them. There is no way to do...
I'm getting the same as CookieJess. Can't Connect.