Support, reasons stated above by other members. Good luck.
Support 100%.
Lmfaoooo "its scarce here". Ty btw, I think this was much needed cyp.
The voting are in Skype. Check Skype more often Renty :P
Denied sorry, For more information please pm me.
Accepted, Please pm me your skype with more detail so I can add you to the chat. When I searched up 'peter_brilliant' I found hundreds of them.
All Denied sorry, The clan voted on it. For more information please pm me.
Ty for the app, Me and the clan will decide whether you're in or out. Get back to you soon ;)
Thanks your the apps, Me and the clan will decide whether you're in or out. Get back to you soon ;).
yep, Thanks for reminder
k xD ty Renty
Staying* ;)
Denied, sorry.
Accepted, please pm me your skype so I can add you to the chat.
My fault sorry, you are Admin, unless Fxded leaves no one will take his place as co-leader atm.
In-Game Name: VirtualBones What rank are you: MVP on MV what rank you want: Optifine Cape please. Why you want it: I have always wanted a nice...
Honestly haven't seen you in-game much before (I play OpPvp and KitPvp) but from your app and from others, Support! <3 gl.