Oh its ok i wast just wondering.
I was ban on kitPvP but got acepted but im not unban yet.My in-game name is !~Iantitanio just in case if u guys neet it.
i saw no hacks on Jedstarman7 i did not saw hack on craftedhuman and in whitetigger not sure.. [my opinion]
Yep i agree on kitpvp no gapple snd the cool-down, 40 min (my opinion)
*Spelling dude what kind if optifine is that??
Optifine ?
Yep i was pvping whit them today and they hack hard ...
Whats that thingy that you have?
thats glunky i saw him doing that on kipvp to
i saw hacks on Americanninja911 but in sportsbro37 not sure~ [My Opinion]
i saw _ewa_ hacking to
1- iantitanio 2- skythekid0028 3- using FF and No KB [hacking hard] 4- evidence below
Nice vid master i saw No KB
look that No KB and look thier head moving around fast
look when he corners me in that wall
but to short
nice vid delv he was hacking No KB and ff ;]
Your ingame name: iantitanio The offender's ingame name: dylanboy8 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura and No KB...
Your in game name: iantitanio The offender's ingame name: dylanboy18 and xXxTT_BUM_TTxXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...