When staff members or friends left and it happend like ten seconds ago you get this [ATTACH]
When @WinterWaffles have an overworld island on hellblock http://imgur.com/a/2X4ZU
om = pm sorry
Muted people are not allowed to gmsg and pm people when theyre muted. But they can still /r if some1 om to they And they can do /friends:gmsg...
Well bye :) have fun in your real life!
Ty elliot :)
I did that :)
Well, cypriotmerks banned me.
Dear cypriotmerks, would you please read my appeal? Again, im sorry Thank you For reading
He as trading his minecraft account. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well i will post it here to
In Game name: Prins545 Where should i begin? There was another glitch on skyblock, its very frustrating when you report something and it gets...
My nokia is bae!
Ow sorry! Support support! :p
Neutral, just give respawned players regeneration for a few seconds.
No support