Thanks guys, I shall try to be more active in the forums and on the server. I might try to send another application or just be a titan for now.
Thanks for the good feedback! I am trying to be as active as possible. As I said before, I work as an architect, and my job is terribly annoying...
I am on it right now!
Ok, sorry guys! I didn't know!
By the way, I am now on the server in skywars! Feel free to chat with me there!
Thanks for the feedback!
Sorry for the player that I said his video was irrelevant. I just thought that I was posting on my moderator application thread. And the thing...
I don't really want to make you guys think that I have no support, but I am just trying to make you all understand. I am 22 years old, and my job...
Are you talking about his video? Maybe he just wants to share some of his stuff with us. Oh, I get it! Soz guys, I thought it was my...
Are you talking about this thread, or the the post of ShrektingPro?
Nice video, but don't you think it is a bit irrelevant about this moderator topic?
Oh and by the way, you guys think that I'm not always active on the forums, but I do always check it. I am alert to everything on forums and...
Hey admins and owners of Mineverse! I wrote this Suggestion thread is because I think you guys should add a lobby menu like other servers. (...
Thanks, I am gonna try to buy more time on my work to help support the server.
Thanks, I might also do that!
Thanks for the tips, I am gonna play it later, coz of my work, I cant really go onto Minecraft.
Welcome To My Moderator Application! Any Feedback Is Greatly Appreciated! Please Read the P.S. at the very bottom as well. What is my IGN? My...