Support. In my opinion pres 5+ should get 2 eggs and when that's used up you don't get more. And just remove the sharpness and add punch 1 (or...
The current infection is kind of unfair/broken because of the prestige items. The prestiges need to be more balanced, like you get one egg from...
Norwegian Meme-Star #1
IGN: rngo85 PvP Skills: Decent Rank: Titan Time online: 1-2 hours per dag Age: 14
I have bought one minecon cape for a while ago (when it came out), but they don't work. I have mailed Mineverse but they told me that they working...
But what will they do with the ranks? Like I'm Titan what will happend?
They shouldn't do it, i meen like if you have money to pay for it you should could buy what you want. (If you dont have card, then your parents...
For a couple of month now Mojang have been blacklisting servers that sells stuff who making Pay2Win. And I dont meen anything mean to Mineverse...
I lost some EXp too, but is better than nothing...Im p4 123 exp, last time i was p5 sgt but is ok☺
This is unfair they should reset evryones exp! IGN: rngo85 Global rank: Titan Infection: Prestige 5 & Sgt Current rank: Lcpl
Happend to me too :( im rct again. From prestige 5/Sgt to rct wtf :(
Can someone answer me why im only rct on infection? I was prestige 5/Sgt now im rct wtf :(
Thx <3
A weird Norwegian gamer.
No you vote on But The winners was on that side for some reason. The Three first Who won actully vote 29 times, The two other...
I haven't got my rank pls fix
I haven't got my rank too :(
Mod pls Help, Im still God when i come in-game. Pls fix
Im not Titan, Im still God when i came in-game. I won The Titan rank didn't I?? Pls fix