Well if you guys are quitting kitpvp or just don't like it. Feel free to give it to me and I'll pay u back by giving u something not pvp related...
Ok BlackZone can u tell me why u denied my appeal please.
Hello blackzone I replied to you btw if you haven't noticed.
Idk lock the thread I don't know anything in forums...
2 days
Oh ok thx
I made this appeal in 2 days and there's only like 2 ban appeals and he can't check. There's like 20848 mods here ong
He Is not answering
Check out my ban appeal it's Deadfox89
Money should be able to buy justice...
Uncleurnesto do u remember me Deadfox89 remember fishing and that other girl.
Hello blackzone
I made an appeal it's deadfox89 I got denied on my appeal it's been 2 weeks