Does this kid read the rules lol What a retard
LOL I sent my donation receipt to [email protected] so yah pretty sure Imma get it back Btw, I only lost my rank in new KitPvP
Lol Im really immature.. sure Im active everyday on forums maybe its just you thts not active, so dont open your mouth ifsom ething isnt true
Please help me I have already emailed [email protected] Why did this happen to me ? I dont get what's the point of buying Elite for 50$ if...
Help! My donator rank is missing I can only see my rank on KitPvP2
[MEDIA] I cant post on the archive, so I will post it here
I cant post a thread on the archive to report players
Just reject me OMG
Waste of 50$ :( Should of Got Something else
I was gonna get God, but Imma stay with Elite I dont get what's the whole point of donating if there aren't any donor kits
I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
So mean just reject mine
I reported 2 hackers U just dont see me, dont just draw conclusions Im on legit everday
Your in-game name: TitaniumOfficial What timezone are you in? North Eastern USA New York Queens What country do you live in? USA What languages do...
So who do I 1v1 with?
lol every server has problems with Infection
Its worth trying tho
LOL I suck so bad tht I might even get and "L"