Introduction Welcome to my redo mod application my first one was a fail I stuffed it up and to me that sucked so here I am a day latter doing...
Man that's annoying
Connor_ lol I failed my hole apply up so bad
Your in-game name: Directionz_ What timezone are you in?: What country do you live in?:Australia. What languages do you speak?:English. Do you...
Hey :D How is everyone
hay guys my minecraft game got hacked in to so i cant play :( i would love if u guys could give me some tips to try and get it back thanks
Changed my name to Directionz_
vanishment yes please
Support Good Luck
Hay guys im new to forums but not new to minevers im making a new apply because I didn't really want to edit the old one but sorry if some bits...
thanks I don't know why I haven't made a forums but I should of ive ben playing around 3 years
what do u guys me play other gamemodes
hay I need help on my apply and I joined minevers forums but ive been playing around 3 years
Hay guys ive just done my apply to get mod I hope I get it ill love some support from you guys and text me ill love to get to know you
thanks can u help me more like how do I get to know everyone more and what do u mean play a variety of the gamemodes
How old are you?: I'm 16 Your in game name: _Spooky_Pvp it was GoldenSheep_FTW everyone knows me as that I can always change back if I have to....