How did you get the head.
The stuff in the skygird is not just all yours Troy.
This is not the place for a pic go to a different thread.
We are currently talking about new maps for infection. If we get new infection maps we might look at this as a community.
well you can turn chat off in the options.
This seems like a good idea we need a better lobby, this one suits the purpose but doesn't have the same feel as some of the others lobbies on...
umm this is already been talked about the new maps, and a reset on factions and skygrid would be a bad idea, my base on skygird took me ages to...
That seems good my enderchest in prison is full of stuff.
You can get a horse to ride a zombie if you want. /pet ride <pet> This lets the pet ride your pet.
Hmm I understand but, I am just hoping they allow us to go to the end because they have the world for it.
I have found the end portal in skygird.
Well its far far under spawn so i thought that spawn protection doesn't go that far.
I have found the end portal in skygird but I can't place and eyes of ender in it. It says "You're not allowed to use that here."
how did you get the blaze rods.
This is good but what you should do is put a tutorial up about how to make a GIF.
Or Nobcrew just as a joke And for the hardcore noobs N008cr3w
Yeah i agree with you pokemanic01, most systems now just read uppercase and lowercase now as the same so as to stop same names entering a...
Well in the original post Dinnerbone said But I think people will change one letter to uppercase or add a number in to allow it. It should be...
After reading this I wonder how many people will change there name to either Jeb_ or Dinnerbone with slight changes to their name, also who here...
I put down 2 sponges in skygrid and they say that everything in a 25 block radius is protected but I login and i find that my place has been greifed.