sure, u can close this thread thanks!
XD what's ur ingame username then? mine is _Silent_Wolf_
Oh, then if i wanted 2 place water or fire in my creative plot, how would i do so?
plz help! i don't know where else 2 post this. how do you get permission in Creative to place water or use flint and steel?
my ingame name: WolfOfTheShadows offender's ingame name: Chinese_Brother what he did: he was invisible and on his bat pet and was destroying our...
all my friends who live together were recently griefed by Chinese_Brother and almost got raided. I myself have been raided twice by xNewb and I...
my ingame name: WolfOfTheShadows offender's ingame name: TheLastYT what he was doing: lagging the whole creative server with this piston redstone...
My ingame name: WolfOfTheShadows Offender's exact ingame name: xNewb Description of rule they broke/how they broke it: Griefing and stealing stuff...
he is going around and picking on people and looting all of their stuff. Can someone ban him please?
does that work?
really? why is everyone like that...
so basically, in skygrid, what xNewb does is pick on people, and steal all of their stuff. He did that to me. is it possible to ban him?