Hello, I recently went from [Elite] to [God] and on Kit PvP it still says [Elite] not [God] I have the ability to /kit god but my tag is not...
Support cant wait for it to be added
It Is Just An Example lol
that's why we nerf the kits.
But Still If You Get A lot Of Donors Its Still not fixed.
people still spawn kill when you have like 5titans and 5gods its almost imposible.
ok Thx for support tho if you change your mind come back :D
Ok Thanks for the opinion
ok thanks
Make Shure to cast your Vote :P
That's why I explained it ok thx If You Are Top Rolfs you get like 10-20lvl of xp?
Thanks for the support.
Its alright if you accidently hit another zombie tho Make Shure To Cast Your Vote in The Poll Provided :D But If you keep on doing it it goes...
Thanks 5 bottles and if got 60rolfs I say 10lvls
NinjaPanda That is exactly why we get more mods on :P
On Infection there is something called rolfs when u get 5kills you get a rolf you get snowballs which are frags golden apples which regen u...
Thank You So Much Aidan Hopefully we can get them to make it banable. Chain I Fell Like It Did Not Help I Still See Gods And Titans Spawn Killing...
On Infection Gods/Titans Have been Spawn Killing A lot. I Feel Like its unfair and the zombies cant do anything! Either Gods/Titans should have...
Bman0128, RABF75, Anonmyous_one, id like to know what gamemodes you play cause id like to talk I mostly play infection and kitpvp thx
Mabye A school and a bus the you spawn in thanks I want to help you to.