when is the resetting happening? Like start of the world?
1.7 pvp
Me, Its the richest factions on op factions right now is it not?
Im one of the best pvpers in the history of mc btw no joke
tensions he stole for mcmmo on opfactions, where you had 2.2k axes and 1k unarm
idk less random than u
lmao u were never there dont kid urself
tensions ive seen u pvp bro
boxmanventure ur just a name changer...
ive beaten blazexstorm and reaperpvpz both, lmao, but tensions's hacks were way too good
I kinda agree, and I kinda dont agree. I dont want to lose all my current mcmmo and my base, but the part about people being too op and with too...
Guys zstrafe is actually wbc_pvp123
1. Tensions_ 2. YoShadow 3. Relly 4. DarkTensions_ 5. TheDeadlyKing
Foils was quite ez, but tensions_ is amazing
Ill go with neutral
Good luck m8! Its me pat, from op facs! Hope you get it.