Amori I did nothing wrong at all I was just trying to prove a point because some people who use those books dont have forum accounts and cant get...
Perhaps you will learn now never to trust those books
no matter what you try the same message will always appear
that wont work at all resign
It wont be up for a long time bro.
Something went wrong now the server is not even up " network is unreachable"
Mineverse got blacklisted by Mojang for more info look at the recent annoncement (by clicking the home button)
I been busy lately
hi moon
thank you veracity
hello diamond_diva sorry i forgot how to reply again (under a existing comment lol)
Sup man
mineverse is back up and its cause of lag making us double post.
I do not understand why it is not back online by now it has been a half hour
The server should be back up soon.
@CypriotMerks thanks for the heads up I just got griefed and well have to repair my plot on creative
Noone can connect at all
i tried before and well ya i know already. hopefully u guys got my back aswell.
thanks for the info you guys