hello~ My IGN: jmogirldoesMC Theirs: Sciberr Rule they broke: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN: jmogirldoesMC - Offender's: DarkKillJoy - Rule they broke: Hacking - Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: TheTinyKillerGM Rule they broke: hacking Proof: (they hit me when their head is faced away from me [MEDIA]
IGN: JmogirldoesMC Offenders': ZombieTurtle (Head snaps twice to hit me when he is running for >) and possibly Incomprehensible (Pause the video...
IGN: jmogirldoesMC <3 Offender's: KitKatKendrick Rule they broke: Well, they admitted to hacking Proooof: [IMG] (if its not loading:...
IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: ELIAS102 Rule they broke: Hacking Proof: Yes, below [MEDIA]
Don't let your dreams be dreams
When you get solid proof of hackers but are too lazy to report
IGN: Yours truly, jmogirldoesMC Offender's IGN: Spacekiller1000 Rule they broke: Hacking Proof: Yes, and skip in the video to 26. Everything...
My Ign: jmogirldoesMC (yours truly) Offenders IGN: MrDarkShadow24 Rule they broke: Hacking Proof: Yes!! Below And it is very brief but you can...
My IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: xXPolarKoalaXx Rule they broke: Spamming Proof: below [IMG] (If the image is broken, click...
How old are you? I am 12 Your in-game name: jmogirldoesMC. What timezone are you in? I am in the Mt. Timezone in America. What country do you...
Just become a bit more well-known not only here, but on the Mineverse servers, too.
IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: Groovyjimi (Yes I caught a hacker this time) Rule they broke: hacking Proof: Below [MEDIA]
IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: Fatfish0110 Rule: hacking proof: Below [MEDIA]
IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: SunshineAshley Rule they broke: (in bedwars) Exploiting the bed glitch Evidence: Down below...