new gamemode where you can use whatever client u like on a oppvp or kitpvp server LOL
A server which is just for PotPvP, just like kitpvp but you buy pots for cheap and buy armour. Literally like kitpvp but only pot pvp and golden...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:buttz The offender's exact ingame name:Qwoh And Xavier...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Buttz The offender's exact ingame name: Ezeldeen A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Buttz The offender's exact ingame name: FullStop and...
Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: Buttz Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: Kitpvp...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Buttz The offender's exact ingame name: iDabbinq A...
Why you hating on the gif ;-: the gif is good too, support the gif too!
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Buttz The offender's exact ingame name: Tim1335 A...
ik ik its too good <33
The hit detection needs to be better, with 5 hits on them only 1 or 2 apply a hit, how can we pvp if we cant hit anyone. Better hit detection...
ign:buttz abuser: irekturface reason: death threats & ddos threats
Server is lagging 24/7 no mods on. legit aids
The new shop is legit trash, get the old one back also we need Speed 2, Speed 2 will make the server op pvp much more fun and would take more...
Not threats, DDoS admitting, TechBoy said that he was gettign ddosed and SlicedWrists replied with Tech boy its me
ign: ButtCheekz69 Person Getting banned: SlicedWrists- VIP rank Reason: DDoS threats/ admits [MEDIA]
IGN: Buttcheekz69 Hacker:Invenzion Reason: toggling [MEDIA] Look closly when he is behind me and when he approaches me he has trigger bot.
ign: ButtCheekz69 hacker: elite_shadow/ SirToad auto log Elite shado is an alt of sirtoad Reason: Auto log [MEDIA]