Thats stupid. How did they catch you?
I know i will lmfao. Even if i get banned for it. Its an amazing mod to use with no lag included.
KarmaDropz TheyConsiderMeOP Broke the no death threats rule.
Everam albiejoe04 He broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]
ItzMeCrazy Hoshnobobo He broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]
I wanna try an get Active member but i dont post enough ughh xD I need to post more comments
Ok thank you!
Hey cotner, would it be ok if another mod unbanned if you're ban appeal got excepted or does it has to be the mod that banned that has to unban you?
Thank you so much for accepting my ban appeal. <3 You are an amazing an understanding mod!!
ItzMeCrazy waden13 Rule broken: Death Threats
Ifonus do you think you could respond to my ban appeal please? Thanks!!
3Iement ItzMark_0410 Broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy :DDDD
ILY Joc btw its Crazy :D support all the way.
ItzMeCrazy Pu33ySlayrMatty8 Broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]
ItzMeCrazy 4Chaynz Broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]
ItzMeCrazy ShrimezPvP They broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]
ItzMeCrazy NoCombosjustpvp and Budweizer Broke the no hacking rule. [MEDIA]