Bruh i remember the first time i joined mineverse factions and grubbing a diamond kid from the pvp pit. the server had like 1700 players on and i...
lmao i remember u dawg
Support, You are nice to me. You always have my back on kitpvp if your on.(Which he is online alot) And yeah support support support! Good Luck.
IGN:dangerpony Offenders Name:craftking1936 Proof: [MEDIA]
Do you think you can be at est 7pm @Squadzinq
Ign:dangerpony Offenders Name:henrymoonrabbit Proof: [MEDIA]
IGN:Skillzinq Offenders Name:TheFatalTornado Hacking:Killaura Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN:dangerpony Offenders Name:FreezyPvP Hacking:Kill Aura Proof: [MEDIA]
IGN:Skillzinq Offenders Name:Sniper67 Hacking:Kill Aura Proof: [MEDIA]
IGN:Skillzinq Offenders Name:Jeremyvana Hacks:Kill aura Proof: [MEDIA]
IGN:Skillzinq Offenders Name:UnknownCape Hacks:Kill aura Proof: [MEDIA]
No Support
IGN:Skillzinq Offenders name:Roseebuud Hacking:Aura,Jesus,Forcefield,Speed Proof: [MEDIA]
IGN:dangerpony Offenders name:Misjudgment Hacking:Aura Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN:Skillzinq Offenders Name: oConvicted Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN:Skillzinq Hacker:KingCobra124 Proof: [MEDIA]
IGN:Skillzinq Offenders Name eZComboh_ Hacking Killaura Proof: [MEDIA]
My IGN:Skillzinq Hackers Name xIroq_ Proof [MEDIA]