would be a bit unfair to people who payed would it not
hello, how are you :)
i don't think you should put strength pot that's a bit too op for kitpvp, but other then that support yeah i agree strength pots will be over...
No support, we have enough random people getting mod
if you full screen it, it goes clearer https://gyazo.com/3b9d8dfcfa17f97996f5cf0bb10b7906 this is as clear as i can get it, sorry
um ill try
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: FightAndFlightJr The offender's exact ingame name:...
Support; Awesome mod :D
thanks, but so you now i stopped after i got banned the first time
I hope i did this right
My ign is CombosPvPz Timezone: AEST Country: i live in Australia Languages: i speak English 2FA enabled: no able to rec: yes i have a recording...
Do i show the screenshot here? :P