Be more active in forums but other than that, your all good... Support :)
They can reset anything but OP-PRISON!!!
I very much wouldn't like to loose my well earnt items on OP PRISON, noobcrew, anyone, please tell me what is going on!?! I BEG PLEASE DONT...
@8top yeah, I did that but I have a haste 2 beacon and it keeps getting stolen ;-;
aha thanks @OG Pink Sheep
Gratz! :D
Do what? The digging? If so yes I have, I have had 1 or 2 of my friends from school help me for a bit though...
i feel depressed
Just over neutral
Playing OP PRISON - Ranked Up to U!!!
hahah, feels good that it wasn't just me who stuffed up app... :)
10% support
Not sure if you are 12 or 13... Other than that, you have got 70% of support!
You have got my FULL support!!! Hope all goes well! :)
do you know how to delete threads?
70% support reasons already again stated above. Good luck :)
could staff please delete thread
please don't click *-* mistakes were made
hello, this is a serious question but could you please clear my plot as in world edit all the dirt from top to bottom in op prison? /p h...