Support Goodluck
Ok.. As I am the Mighty God Suasion/BudaPvP I Might Consider Giving You Mod But Everyone Must Support This App And Everyone With Get Opped Thx...
1st Support
Your ingame name: SirDouchousBagus The offender's ingame name: robertcraft8 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
No support
It's all u good u don't support but XeonoHD is my friend ok
Lol have u ever played prison
It's all good
Thanks yes is it not allowed ??
Yes I made a mistake and I promised I never will hack again on this server
Everyone says this lol XeonoHD is my friend the forums are having problems so he let me use his forums account XeonoHD is banned on op and kit....
How can I get your support ??
Yea I might be unbanned if the mod replays
Thanks dude !! fixed
Uhh I'm just trying to help. Mod close this please
I don't want people to be negative. (:
Changed it up is that better ?