Got me and Nitro really upset too.
So evil.
I don't celebrate nor like April Fools, when my account times out, I'm gone.
Gonna find a more mature server, anyone just delete this account and plus I already set the password to something I will never remember.
Whatever I'm done with this. I'm friggin done.
You'd like that wouldn't you?
Do you think I care? No! Your not gonna get to me no matter how tough you think you are. The staff could all come attack me I still wouldn't care.
Shut it.
And clearly you need to shut up. Do you think I care about Mod anymore? NOPE.
Wanna talk to me put it in a convo, if you don't I don't care.
Doesn't matter anymore, Cypriot made me realize how some staff lack in maturity, not saying your immature, but some staff are.
I don't care if I lost my chances because they basically just showed us Mod is a joke. I'll still be on the forums but won't care as much anymore.
At least I don't make cruel jokes like this one. This is a step too far, maybe could have said there was a huge announcement of an update and made...
There are lines between a joke and messed up, and this is purely messed up for people who really wanna help the server.
Cypriot needs to get his maturity in check, I think of Moderator as a serious job seriously disapprove of this extremely.
Even if I don't leave I will always look at Cypriot differently now. I thought he was mature enough to know when enough is enough.
Knowing that they are so reckless with Mod that they give everyone it as a prank, I am considering leaving Mineverse and finding a more mature...
"Fun" Not for me, I take staff jobs very seriously and do not like this prank at all, Cypriot needs something new, I do not like this at all.
Yeah well I spent a lot of time on my app and they are so reckless with mod they use it as a prank? I literally hate this prank.
Its a very messed up prank, I am considering leaving the forums because of what they pulled. I was hoping the staff were more mature than this, a...