Then ill just get a refund or sue them ;p
I made a support ticket and nobody is reviewing it even the head mod doesnt review it but they were on like 20 mins ago i made te ticket yesterday...
Can u review my ticket please
can you review my support ticket
Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. JustJarmoo Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: All Description of...
dude the evidence is here this thread is evidence they are helping me right now i hope
look still on a few servers like OP PVP it doesnt says my rank when i press tab my name isnt blue either and when i try /kit god it says i have no...
ok i have the god rank on the servers skywars gta prison infection those are all the servers i HAVE god rank yeah but still it doesnt says my...
i cant find the payment e mail but i really bought it watch the video man! well see the screenshot [ATTACH]
yes i joined the skywars lobby and i have the rank there but not in main lobby il send some screenshots wait il make a video [MEDIA] there u go...
Hello mineverse i bought god rank for your server and i couldnt log in on 1.11.2 so a week later i tried 1.8 and it worked but in the lobby i had...
Yo i Just bought Rank god but i wannet to join and it says Network is unreacheble i tried it today aigan but i still...