R.i.p Me....
I'm Sorry ;-; It is coz you almost killed me! that's why you know. But i understand it =(
My IngameName: _ItzSlimePower The Offender's Exact IngameName: FXDED , th0le , dustincali They were all BHopping [MEDIA]
My IngameName: _ItzSlimePower The Offender's exact IngameName: TheOnlyoneYT, lmaok, LionsGoRawr, JuggyBooh They were all 4 BHopping [MEDIA]
My IngameName: xX_SlimePower_Xx The offender's exact IngameName: leoMC123, philip_01 and BlazingGanja Why I report those three players is because...
My IngameName is: xX_SlimePower_Xx The offender's exact IngameName: Abstrene He was hacking: I don't know what for hacks but it's obvious he was...
My IngameName is: xX_SlimePower_Xx The offender's exact IngameName: julieta2000 He was hacking: Noslowdown[MEDIA]
My IngameName is: xX_SlimePower_Xx The offender's exact IngameName: OMAR_2010 He was hacking: AntiKB [MEDIA]
My IngameName: xX_SlimePower_Xx The offender's exact ingame name: lolface06 He was hacking: AntiKB, NoSlowdown [MEDIA]
My Ingame name is: xX_SlimePower_Xx The offender's exact ingame name: AzureYuuki [VIP RANK] He hacked. I don't really know the name of that hack...
M Ingame name is xX_SlimePower_Xx and his is iWenix He was hacking. AntiKB, GapHit, ForceField. I have evidence with that video
Ahhh ImToggle!! Cmon man! Let nothing tear you apart! I don't know what happened but don't let it destroy you!! awefull thing happens in life! I...
He has NoSlowdown, AntiKB, GapHit, ForceField! I recorded it [MEDIA]
U was Hacking -.-
I am =D
IGN: xX_SlimePower_Xx Age: 15 Rank: none =( Why Do you want to join tooglers?: because My BFF is in this clan And I think this is a really good...
Spawn can have a Upgrade though
nah xD that's just my name
I dont know why its muted but i would really appreciate it when someone removes it? already thanks =D Minverese is the best server!!!