My IGN is BagelyMilk. The offender's IGN is HolaAmigos. They were fly hacking in the lobby, and I managed to get them to admit to it, too....
My IGN is BagelyMilk. The offenders' IGNs are SwagOG and adamgerm. I was on Bedwars and saw SwagOG and adamgerm spawnkilling. They were...
My IGN is BagelyMilk. The offender's IGN is catchupwithluke. He was hacking, walking while using a bow. Evidence: [MEDIA]
No, sorry. If I find him again, I could probably get it.
My IGN is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is assassin_Bacca12. He was hacking on Bedwars with AntiKB. Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is ChihuahuaChibi. They were hacking on Bedwars using fly. Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is Greydon123. They were using fly hacks in the Bedwars lobby and continued to use it ingame. (sorry,...
My IGN is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is Paskov123. He was using NoFall. Evidence: [MEDIA]
When I was younger (around 7) my cousin and I put a snail in a jar and gave it to my other cousin (around 5-6 at the time) for his birthday and...
My IGN is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is 00dbb. He was hacking on Bedwars using AntiKB. Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN is PieTea64. I found SirDerpyDaThird hacking and spawnkilling (is that bannable?) on Bedwars. They were using AntiKB and Aimbot. Evidence:...
My IGN is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is Panda_Zak, I found him on Bedwars with tons of hacks, sprinting while crouching, AntiKB, and tons of...
My IGN and forum name is PieTea64. The offender's IGN is Swiftlicious. I'm reporting for a friend, as they cannot log into their account at the...
My IGN is PieTea64. The offenders do not have a forum account. I was playing Bedwars with my cousin and found ethnikman and nikethman hacking....
My IGN is PieTea64. I found iPhoneSE hacking on Bedwars. They don't have a forum account, but they said they had an alt. They were using a hack to...