Support !
Thank you all ♥ amazing community
Sorry if thats not the correct term in your opinion. All i mean is i have built for many servers and learned alot of things on the way and thats...
I was the only one working on those projects , but they took me alot of time. The server Hub ( First pic ) took me around a month to complete (...
Ill be more than happy to join your faction ♥ And thank you all for all the positive feedback and comments. This is the reason why i build !
I have the original Maps in my single player, You can find my progress posts on enjin as well + i have Progress pictures from beginning to end. I...
I will think about it , just talked to my old server owner and he has no plans to reopen world of cubes.
Yeh atm i cant tell whos in what clan unless i manually check it for every player which is soo annoying and makes you not wanna check
Introduced myself :)
Thank you so much , however im not yet ready to apply for builder since i dont know whether the old server i used to build on will reopen or not ....
Hello all ! I recently joined the Mineverse Factions server and felt like i should introduce myself to this awesome community. Im 18 studying...
Thanks guys for all your support and comments. Vote on the poll if you support
Bumping thread
I would like to add that every Factions server has this and they dont have any problems with it.
im a builder on another server which atm is closed , im waiting for them to tell me if they will reopen or not . If not , then i will definitely...
Well it can be added to the server rules that inappropriate factions names are illegal , plus its very rare as well. It saves alot of time and...
Thanks guys for your support !
Hello all . I have been playing factions for 3 years ( Not on this server , im new here :P ) and i would like to suggest that you add Faction...
Professional Minecraft Builder. I was [Head-Builder] for multiple servers