50 Messages i have that and i have skype
Your in-game name: ICantPvPHD What timezone are you in? Europe What country do you live in? Mo i Rana What languages do you speak? English and...
4 hackers on kit pvp2 : https://www.youtube.com/results?q=sagaqpvp&sp=QgIIAQ%253D%253D
what then?
the staffs ban u for nothing they only ban u they have no evidence to ban u so fix ur staff i am bajnned from all for the staffs banned me whit no...
hello noobcrew i was banned on op factions for nothing and wanted to ask if i can be unbanned?
my name JustCombo04.i think SlimeGamer320 is hacking he hitted me in his back.he had no kb.