You're pathetic. I simply requested you to leave this thread. @Pile please handle mega. Also mega, you're a hypocrite, I'm gonna say this...
Most of my "hacking" Videos was proven false as I was unbanned....
This was seriously all stupid. If you have proof of "40+" bans, please post EVERY thread, I'm pretty sure you can't. You got banned on 2 accs,...
Okay. This argument is irrelevant mega. You ban evade to get me banned, that imgur didn't get me lobby banned Pile banned me cuz she found out...
Thanks, means alot.
I've been off for a while, dunno how you can tell that, this thread was made today, let me get unbanned and I'll show you :p.
I'll show you :) Thanks <3
Sorry, I don't remember then, I forgot the last time I spoke to you :p, I'm sorry for any hatred I have said to you.
@YoShadow & @TheDeadlyKing. xDD
Your ingame name: TheDeadlyKing. The offender's exact ingame name: Whispa/KillTMan2000. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Slightly late, but better then never. Congratulations on being promoted, hope you enjoy it and prove us you're very great at moderating.
Thank you.
Thanks bro, means a lot you're one of my closest friends like everyone. <3 <3
Thanks Rodeen. <3 Kings. The Real xXPvPKingsXx.
Thanks bro, glad you're one of the people here for me.
What does that mean?
This is going to be hard for me to write but, I've come to my senses, I'm not who you all think I am, I'm different then that, @Pile_of_Butts...