You shouldn't lose it unless it is added into the rules or someone of high authority says they are contraband. Edit: I'm going to head out for...
It is not in the rules that we can not have them nor are they listed as contraband. Darkchyldeone has also said that they are not contraband and...
I am not sure what his exact name was but he was running around killing multiple people with his iron axe/sword trick. If I see him again I will...
Parkour I later stated that the person in front of the jail was jailed himself and I said how I was jailed as well. I apologize for not clarifying...
Alright, thanks Parkour. Daddy I missed the first part there, however I have already stated that I did not hold the sword in any way shape or...
Daddy, /invsee and jailing someone for a sword is both idiotic and in my opinion abusing your powers. Unless of course you decide to /invsee the...
"As for the killing with a bow, he said it was for people to stop fighting, the bow had punch 2." Is what was said and multiple people he shot...
I know there is an iron one but as I said in my post I never showed the iron one. I merely kept it there incase a real threat attacked me.
I was just jailed again for "refusing to give swords" even though I had a wooden sword out which Daddy had moments earlier said are allowed, and I...
Not to accuse anybody of lying but if the bow only had punch 2 then how come its arrows were on fire and killing unarmored people in one shot? It...
Your ingame name: Rizs Moderator name: DaddyHF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: DaddyHF abused his powers of flight by...