What is that How old were you when you noticed you were lonely / nerd
I was... :/ 10. How old were you when you noticed you were a nerd
I left the forums and the server. Go onto one of the forums I'm on // invite me to a conversation and ask cause I'm not on here anymore.
I'll try to do these today, sorry for being late.
I left the forums a while ago, I'm just checking back. I'm on another forums and I have like 3 pages to do. Also I'm studying for my SATs tests alot.
Uhm. Cypriotmerks,it goes: 27 votes - 4th 28 votes - 5th
I cant do them. Sorry
Hai profile pic twin xD
XD its fine
I will make you them, just probably not today.
Guys I'm putting these on standby.
Happy too :D
I only play on a few gamemode but I try to vary my selection now and then. Usually infection, skyward, or GTA. I don't usually gk on the help...
Changed my mind. support.
No support. I was on the server and you degraded alot of people.
Did you make that profile picture?