Tank you for this command, with this information I know wat I can Do beter and this gave me the information why there are no Game mode mods
yea, i think global moderators are helping less people, i am helping people all the time i am on because i am only on one server.
The smartest thing ive ever heared
heyy chantal
If there are some more mods which only play one specivic game (like me only playing skyblock) and if they are online at the start and latest point...
Hey i am Simon and i got an idea for skyblock. I am a lot on skyblock, an average of 6 hours a day i think. But i never see a MOD unless people...
No support srry
Lol winnie
This boy called GamerStijn is Dutch (just like me), and is swearing with kanker, which means cancer in english. It can really hurt for some people...
Kan niet al bezet
Bruh good is inside you. You apologised and thats a brave thing to do. I wish some people apologised to me. Your a good dude:). Brave you dare to.
Hey momm
Ty so much:):p
Ty how can i use smileys? XD
Hey i am simon and i am new on the forums. I would like to know people on the forums better and i dont really know how to communicate on here. I...
Heyy ays