Nice good thread good job staff;>
in pop how do i auction,i can never do it thanks for your help if you can??/??
no support your a new member
neutral good luck
No support No detail ~AllstarHubee
No support the whole point of getting it is that your active and you known the server week
Hey i was wondering if i can apply for builder?
No support You hacked and killed me once:bored:
SUPPORT This will be so cool;):)
My In-game name is: Allstarhube most people know me as Hube Which time zone are you in?:) My time zone is Central US time zone (UTC- 6:00)...
Nobcrew do you know when someone will look at my application for mod and accept or decline it? ~Allstarhube
i mainly play sky and infection thats probably why?
what modes you play?
Support Mines pretty close to yours:)